What is a Herbalife Nutrition Healthy Breakfast?

Delicious and refreshing, the Herbalife Nutrition Healthy Breakfast is a nutritious way to start your day. Customise it to suit your customer’s taste and lifestyle, and discover the benefits of a healthy, balanced breakfast everyday.

Ask people what they are having for breakfast to identify and address common pitfalls by recommending our Healthy Breakfast.

Breakfast Facts: Did you know?

61% of Europeans miss breakfast more than once a week¹. The main reasons are: lacking time, not feeling like eating in the morning and reducing the calorie intake.

Having a healthy breakfast in the morning has numerous proven benefits on our nutrition, health and mood².

Who is it for?

Whatever your goal or lifestyle, a nutritious breakfast is important to kick start the day ahead. Anyone can benefit from it, in particular:

  • Struggling dieters searching for a creamy and delicious breakfast without the high calories.
  • Busy mums who spend their mornings multitasking and may benefit from a nutritious breakfast that is quick to prepare.
  • Older adults looking for a way to get all the nutrients they need at breakfast without too much effort.
  • Young and active professionals who may want a healthier breakfast alternative to their “grab-and-go” coffee and muffin during busy mornings.
  • Sportspeople, as they require a high-protein breakfast to help them perform at their best.

Getting Started

The Herbalife Nutrition Healthy Breakfast is a nutritious way to start your day. Customise it to suit your customer’s taste and lifestyle, and discover the benefits of a healthy, balanced breakfast everyday.

Suggested first steps:

  • Familiarise yourself with the Healthy Breakfast concept.
  • Before approaching customers, talk to your circle of influence and practice what you will say.
  • Advertise your Healthy Breakfast offer:
    1. Engage pro-actively with people about what they are having in the morning for breakfast
    2. Wear your Healthy Breakfast button wherever you go
    3. Use the Healthy Breakfast posters for visibility at events, at your Nutrition Club or at your Wellness Centre
    4. Use the Healthy Breakfast social media assets to engage with your online audience on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter…
  • Go through the benefits of Healthy Breakfast with prospects and suggest the products best suited to their lifestyle. You can even offer the Trial Pack as a low cost entry 6 days Healthy Breakfast supply.
  • Follow-up by asking how they feel as a result of having breakfast, and find out what kind of support they may need. For example, invite them to a Shake Party so they can discover new recipes and how quick and easy it is to make a shake.

1. CEEREAL European breakfast survey (2007). www.ceereal.eu – facts and figures, March 2007

2: Smith, A. (2011). In Diet, Brain, Behaviour: PractIcal ImplIcatIons. Eds: R.B.Kanarek & H.R Lieberman. Taylor & FrancIs.

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